Katy Pie |
Gender: Female
Age: 12 year
Weight: 34 lbs
House-trained: Yes
Fenced yard required: Yes
Location: Northern Michigan
Foster Home: Kelly |
Crate-trained: Yes
Treat-motivated: Yes
Toy-motivated: No
BC Experience Required: No
Good with dogs: Yes
Good with cats: tbd
Good with kids: Yes
Commands: none |
Katy Pie is a smallish full-bred black and white BC who was used as a breeder dog living in an outdoor kennel her entire life. She is a total sweetie pie, hence her name. She does not seem to know her name, but does respond to enthusiastic baby talk (tail wags and she will come to you). 
Having possibly very little human interaction previous to going to her foster home, she has really come into her own. She has gone from hiding in a corner to now sleeping in a bed in the middle of the living room (around people and two) other dogs). Although she felt threatened at first by the two resident dogs, (particularly at dinner time), Katy has now relaxed. She eats in her crate like her new-found siblings, and comes and goes outside with them. Well...most of the time. Although Katy seems to enjoy being inside (especially the part where the house has a heater), she also enjoys exploring the yard. If it's cold or really windy she'll come back in pretty fast, but otherwise really enjoys walking the fence line and studying the neighborhood. I'm not altogether convinced she would not try to get through the gate if not being monitored, so for now, am specifying a fence is needed. 
Katy was recently spayed and had a mammary turmor removed that was cancerous. The tumor was completely removed and the vet's report called the procedure "curative." Katy seems to be in good health--she is at a good weight for her frame, and does not seem to have hip stiffness yet or cataracts.
We thought having lived outdoors that she would not be potty trained, but she has never had an accident in the house. She has a few quirks, and we can only guess at the reasons for those. She doesn't seem to like to eat while anyone is watching. She will wait till we leave the room and then we hear her eat. When not in her bed in the living room, she seems to still prefer small spaces, such as behind a towel basket in the bathroom (next to the heat vent!) or behind her crate. She has ventured up onto the sofa with us, and does seem to enjoy being near people. She is hand shy about her head...never snappish, just shy. We've never heard her bark, although she does make a little squeaky noise when she wants something, or when she sees a squirrel through the window. 
She seems to enjoy looking out the windows, at people walking by on the sidewalk and at those pesky squirrels. She walks well on a leash. She has been a well-behaved dream at the vet's office.
She has had one shower since being in her foster home, She wasn't thrilled, but was cooperative until the hair dryer came out--not interested. Her fur needs more shine--hopefully good diet and extra bathing will bring a bit of sheen to her. Although a smooth coat, the fur is deceptively thick and did take a long time to dry after that shower.
Although Katy Pie does well with the foster's dogs, the most ideal home for her would likely be one where she is the only, much-cherished dog. As the foster, I am certain she would be on the furniture with us more often, and getting those desired cuddles if my own dogs were not so jealous and interruptive. 
Being in such good physical shape, Katy Pie could have some really good years left. How wonderful if the last years of her life would show her how cherished she is, and would help her erase the memory of her first 12. Might yours be the home that could give her that gift?