Apollo |
Gender: Male
Age: 7 Months
Height/Weight: 18" / 33 lbs
House-trained: Yes
Fenced yard required: Yes
Location: Mid-Michigan
Foster Home: Patty
Crate-trained: Learning
Treat-motivated: Yes
Toy-motivated: Yes
Likes Car Rides: Yes
Good with cats: Dog-Savvy Cats
Good with kids: Over 6
Commands: Come, sit, lie down |
To the surprise of absolutely no one, Apollo's foster home became his forever home in March, 2018. 
According to Patty, "He had my name on him from the minute I saw his shelter photos.
Looks like SOMEONE is enjoying the snow! 
This is what Apollo look like when we first met him: 

Any wonder he wound up at Patty's house???
Apollo was turned into a local animal control because his owner was moving. If he wasn't going to a rescue group, he would have been put down for being "too shy". Shelters are a scary place for any animal. Turns out he isn't so shy after all. He's a sweet, happy bouncy puppy. Not sure what he's mixed with but best guess is English Setter. He hasn't been exposed to much in his short life but he's a confident little guy and isn't phased by crowds and loud noises. Or scolding. He's very smart. He sits and watches and thinks about things. He has an active mind and body and you can't turn your back on him for 30 seconds. 
Apollo would excel as a sport dog. He's OK with cats, but will give chase if they run. He's great with other dogs. He will do OK with older kids as he plays a little rough....though we're working on that. He tries to play tuggie with his leash. He plays in the water bowl. Hates his crate and will play catch me when he knows it's time to go in. He will test your patience to the end. If you can survive his puppy/adolescence, you are going to end up with a most awesome dog. 