Grace |
Gender: Female
Age: 1 Year
Height/Weight: 25 lbs
Fenced yard required:
Location: SE Michigan
Foster Home: Jo
Likes Car Rides:
Good with cats:
Good with kids:
Commands: |
Grace was adopted in July, 2017. Here she is with her new family! 
Grace is going to the vet Weds. the 19th for spaying, shots and heartworm test. If there are no complications, this girl will be ready to leave my home as of this coming Sunday, the 23rd. 
Her house manners are impeccable. She doesn't even counter surf (even though Keego has been trying to teach her). This little girl is beginning to show her quirky side but not in a bad way. If I pet one of my dogs, she will rake her paws across my back to get attention (not hard) or she will wiggle her way under my arm and flip herself upside down. Hilarious. Although she likes other dogs I think she enjoys being the center of attention.
She has begun to chase my dogs when they are playing and is exhibiting herding tendencies . . . and she's a nipper. She calls off easily. Once my dogs feel her touch their body, they just shut down and then Grace comes back to me. She doesn't seem to want to wrestle with them. Grace has begun to play with toys on her own. She will stare down two balls as if she expects one to move. If they don't, then she rolls them and starts to chase or chew on them.
Grace has instant recall. Her only issue is that if you try to pick her up, she will immediately do the death drop and become dead weight and then show submissive belly. I've been putting pressure on her mid section when she is calm and have been picking her up and putting her down . . . repeat, repeat, repeat. She is better than when she first came to me but this may be an issue for an older couple to struggle with moving her if necessary. 
At approx. 25 pounds (will get her exact weight at the vet) she is certainly a manageable size. Approx. 1 yr old. She shows absolutely no interest in chasing a Frisbee. Occasionally she will chase something I throw but will not bring it back. Her snuggles, however, are tops! She also has this really weird way of sitting where both back legs flip to one side in the air and then she's actually sitting on the middle of her vertebrae. Very strange but adorable. Grace has one ear that goes out to the side (flying nun style) and one ear that is usually up.
We were told she was a smooth coated tri-color purebred but we do not have papers so cannot tell applicants that she is purebred.
She loves riding in vehicles and is extremely calm. In my yard she is coming out of her shell a little and has begun barking a bit more at the neighbor's dogs and usually with her hackles up but again, she calls off quickly. Seems to be a good watchdog and alerts me to anything walking in front of the house. She meets all humans exceedingly well. Gets along with dogs & cats but may snarl or nip at a new dog until she gets to know it. In new situations she can be a little nervous but seems to quickly recover.
