Delilah |
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years Old
Fenced yard required:
Location: SE Michigan
Foster Home: Mark and Barbara |
Likes Car Rides:
Good with cats:
Good with kids:
Commands: |
Not all of our Tails are Happy Ones... 
Delilah came to us in Spring, 2017. She was a young, happy dog who loved to chase Frisbees – a very typical Border Collie. Unfortunately, she also was susceptible to seizures. Her foster family worked diligently with their veterinarian to find a viable treatment protocol - something that would keep the seizures at bay while still allowing Delilah to live a normal doggy life. 
Sadly, her seizures increased in frequency and severity. Mark, her foster dad, wrote:
“After consulting with the GLBCR board, two different veterinary opinions, and long discussions between Barb & I, we had to make the agonizing decision to give Delilah the freedom from all that ailed her. She was likely headed towards permanent brain damage as the seizures continued, and the physical toll as these seizures became more harsh was very hard on her young strong body. She was too young, a beautiful example of a Border Collie gifted with speed, beauty, intelligence, natural herding ability, and a sweet temperament. Delilah embodied everything that is great about the breed.” 
An earlier update from Mark: “She is a beautiful looking dog, and we are starting to see Delilah’s personality come to the surface. She is a sweet heart. She is starting to show interest in toys, and playing with our other dogs. She is just starting to “dog.” I just get the feeling like we can’t push this dog, so I haven’t at all. At some point she will be ready to start responding to training, corrections, and more re-directing, but right now my gut tells me to just love her up and be consistent with her. She got to hang out in the TV room with the boys while they were watching movies and playing video games, and she really enjoyed their company and engaged them. The room has no outside influences; we pulled the shade so she couldn’t look for cars, no cats in there, so she got to focus on just being a dog and getting petted. On Wednesday evening I was out with her in the backyard, and she noticed a butterfly floating about 20 feet above her head. Delilah focused on it and for a brief moment she was just being a curious dog having fun.” 
Run free, Delilah. 