Snowman |
Gender: Male
Age: 3 Years
Height/Weight: tall / 42 lbs
House-trained: yes
Fenced yard required: tbd
Location: SE Michigan
Foster Home: Wil and Theresa |
Crate-trained: Yes
Toy-motivated: No, but enjoys a good chewie
Likes Car Rides: OK
Good with cats: OK
Good with kids:
Commands: come, sit, down |
Snowman was adopted in October, 2016. Here he is with his new family. 
"We arrived home with our new boy at 5pm. He is wonderful! Jim and I both loved him the moment we set eyes on him – his personality is evident just by looking. Although he we need to work through him going potty while on a leash – and he did run away from me all around the yard – he is awesome.
Thank you so much for all your work in getting us approved for adoption!" 
It snowed here for a few minutes...maybe that was a sign because SNOWMAN is off his excercise restrictions and no longer has to be a patient patient!
We had a heck of a romp in the backyard and I could swear you could see him smile. He was fascinated with Driver playing Frisbee. He did not know what the heck we were doing but he was fascinated. Mind you, this dog has not shown much fetch drive at all.
Snowman is absolutely gorgeous and he will only get more handsome as he recovers from his heartworm(HW) treatment. HW and in particular HW treatment is tough on a dog's coat so in about six months after his treatment he will be the prettiest boy in town. 
Snowman is a medium to high energy dog trapped in a scardey-cats body. He does best with a consistent routine in a quiet home. We could see him thriving as an only dog but does ok with and enjoys other dogs unless the other dogs are bossy. Bossy dogs are scarey. He does ok with cats unless they are bossy cats. Bossy cats are scarey. He is a very curious pup so despite things being scarey his usual method of operation is to retreat to his kennel and then sneak back to observe whatever it was that scared him from a safe distance. 
He has made great progress in his foster home conquerimg his fears but he still has a long way to go. When we sit on the floor watching TV he will sometimes curl up next to us and lick our hands gently as we pet him.

All that being said, Snowman gets into some shenanigans. He snatched an onion off the counter. He tried to abscond with the grilling utensils but totally got busted. He also has relocated some shoes. He has not chewed any shoes just took one from the foyer and hid it in the den. He is a chewer and has not destroyed anything inappropriate but did put a couple of teeth marks in his hair brush while our back was turned. He will need an appropriate chew outlet or he will find one and you may not like it.

Snowman's heartworm load is large so he will require the more extensive treatment protocol. This means that he will not be ready for adoption until the middle of October at the earliest. Snowman's next update will be when he is available for adoption so please keep this young fellow in your thoughts as he endures his HW treatment.
