Princess Jasmine |
Gender: Female
Age: 7 Years
Height/Weight: 22" / 44 lbs
House-trained: Yes
Fenced yard required: tbd
Location: Northern Indiana
Foster Home: Kelly |
Crate-trained: Learning
Treat-motivated: Sometimes
Toy-motivated: Ball
Likes Car Rides: Yes
Good with cats: Yes
Good with kids: tbd
Commands: Sit, working on Stay, Shake and Kennel-up
Jasmine came into GLBCR when a volunteer stepped up to foster her. We learned she may have spay incontinence and we started there with our vet to help Jasmine. After battling a horrible UTI, our foster home still noticed things were not OK, so an ultrasound revealed one of Jasmine's kidney's to be smaller than the other and she has been diagnosed with degenerative kidney disease and this impacts her life span.
This is Jasmine's adoption photo, because she has been lovingly adopted by Kelly, her foster and now forever Mom. Kelly captioned this photo: 
(finger snaps and guitar riff)
"I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day...when it's cold outside, I've got the month of May...I guess you'd say, what can make me feel this way? My girl (my girl, my girl) talking 'bout my little girl...(JAZ-zy)"
Have you ever wondered if you could find that dog who would be pretty happy anywhere as long as he or she was just with you? Princess Jasmine may be your girl. A side note to those interested in meeting her--she is not always warm during an initial meeting. I've observed that it takes meeting someone about three times before she shows her excitement. Right now her world has expanded to the foster family's extended family and co-workers, all of whom she is excited to see. Excited means tail wagging to hard you think it may break against the coffee table or anything else in its way, and vocalizing by means of little bird-chirpy squeaks. You really know when this girl is happy! .jpg)
Jasmine came into the group terribly concerned about being left behind again, but her fears have calmed over time. After one month, she is no longer trying to jump out of a car at gas stations, and no longer follows the foster mom into every room in the house--sometimes she just continues to nap on her bed (which she loves). She crates well--responds right away to 'kennel up' (and is getting rewarded for doing so). She has a good appetite, and her coat is beginning to thicken up nicely and is even shiny in the sun. She still has some flaking of skin back by her tail where she had so many flea issues, but the vet says her skin is healing nicely. .jpg)
Jasmine's previous owner said she is 7 years old. Although she has a bit of white in her muzzle, she certainly does not seem 7. Her teeth are pristine, and she is very agile with no hint of joint pain. She is a really nice blend of happily active--loves her walks and chasing a ball with her foster's dogs and has stamina to do that for quite awhile. However, she also has a nice off-switch and is perfectly happy snoozing by your feet if you are on the computer or reading--will stay still and quiet for as long as you need.
Jasmine does have spay incontinence (is completely house trained but can lose urine while sleeping) but proin-50 completely controls this (1 1/2 tabs per day seems to be her dose). She will need to treat this for life, however Proin is an inexpensive fix, (and some vets have also had success with natural supplements for this issue). Princess Jasmine will be a wonderful addition to a home looking for a best friend! .jpg)
Princess Jasmine is one smart cookie--smart enough to keep peeking around every corner looking for the owner who left her in a shelter 3 weeks ago--after 7 years together. The shelter intake papers said the owner became homeless and could no longer afford to care for her. Jasmine (whose ears really perk up if you call her "Jazzy") is a diamond in the rough--likely due to life circumstances and lack of opportunities--but she is so intelligent it won't take long for her to shine. 
Jasmine's foster mom has a bum ankle and a second-story apartment, so walks slowly up and down the stairs. After just one leashed trip up those stairs, Jasmine learned to pace herself and keep 3 or 4 steps ahead--keeping just the right amount of slack in the leash. And speaking of the leash--she walks ever-so-nicely on one, even taking care to pick up her feet and maneuver around the tangles that can sometimes happen. She appears completely house-broken, and after being in foster care for nearly a week has not had one accident.

A trip to the dog park brought the discovery that Jasmine seemed to not understand what to do with a ball. But being the quick study she is, watched another dog engaged in a game of fetch, and figured out she was supposed to run after that crazy bouncing thing. When she caught it in her mouth so many people clapped and made a fuss, she ran right over to them with the ball still in her mouth and dropped it at her foster mom's feet. She was the funniest thing to watch running--legs seeming to go in all directions, and bounding up and down much like a puppy. She may not have had many opportunities to just RUN before, but thoroughly enjoys it, and also loves chasing a ball. 
What Jasmine really wants is to be right with someone. Although she is quite energetic, she does have an off-switch and is one of those dogs who is just happy if you are in the room together. Want to surf on the computer? She is napping by your feet. Cleaning the kitchen? She will walk back and forth with you and help. Need to take a shower? She may try to jump in with you. It will be interesting to see if her need to be right with someone subsides with time, it likely has a lot to do with her not wanting to be left behind again.

Jasmine came to the shelter with a terrible case of fleas, and had spent a lot of time scratching and digging around her hind quarters and back legs. The shelter was able to rid her of her fleas, and her skin and coat are on the mend. She still has scaly skin where she used to scratch, but for the past couple of days she has not scratched at all. With quality food and fish oil, her coat should be thickening up--it already feels softer and is getting shiny.

She knows "sit", but doesn't always comply. She is an escape artist in the car, as she does not want to be left behind even for someone to get out and run a credit card at the gas pump. So that is something that requires constant vigilance, but will hopefully diminish with time and trust. This is a nice girl who lets people brush her all over, peel her lips back and check her teeth, lets the vet pull her eyelids back for a check, and did not even twitch when the office cat paraded right in front of her. During her exam, the vet, who knows a great potential pet when she sees one, kept commenting, "Tempting...very tempting!" 
So far she is not barking at noises outside the foster's apartment or home (she DID, however bark at a deer and try to give chase as it bounded into the woods). She hops right up into a car and rides well, looking out the window as if a passenger on a bus. She gets along fine with the foster's two BC's--does not really initiate play with them, but does run alongside in the yard chasing the ball. And she joins right in with the head-butting "pet me, ME" competition that happens in a multi-dog home. Although she seems to prefer women, she is responsive to men when called. 
Jasmine is going to make a great best friend to the right owner. She is going to need someone who can patiently work on rebuilding her trust, and who can let her explore opportunities she may not have had yet--regular play and exercise, challenges for her quick mind, and pampering affection. Could you be looking for a friend like that? 