Gadget |
Gender: Male
Age: 15 Months
Height/Weight: 25.75" / 50.6 lbs
House-trained: Improving
Fenced yard required: tbd
Location: SE Michigan
Foster Home: Jeff And Hillary |
Crate-trained: Yes
Treat-motivated: Yes
Toy-motivated: Ball and Frisbee
Likes Car Rides: Yes
Good with cats: tbd
Good with kids: tbd
Commands: Sit, Down, Touch |
Gadget was adopted in December, 2016. Here he is with his new family! 
At only 15 months old, Gadget is sure to adapt to many different work environments. His eager attitude and love for people and animals alike make him well suited to working in a team, but he would also thrive working independently. If possible, he would love to manage a small group of livestock because he has a very strong herding instinct. 
He also loves learning new things. His face lights up when you give him something to do. He likes figuring out what it takes to get that reward and he's a quick study so he's sure to keep you on your toes too. Potty training has been going well now that he's starting to get the idea of asking to go out. Gadget is both toy and treat motivated, but his absolute favorite things are balls and frisbees. He's getting better at catching the frisbee, too, although bringing it back is a separate issue. 
