Almont, now Rebel |
Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years
Height/Weight:20" / 53 lbs
House-trained: Yes
Fenced yard required: Yes
Location: Mid-Michigan
Foster Home: Jenny |
Crate-trained: Yes
Treat-motivated: Yes
Toy-motivated: No
Likes Car Rides: Yes
Good with cats: No
Good with kids: 12+
Commands: Sit, Kennel up, NO |
Almont was adopted in January, 2016 and is now known as Rebel. Here he is with his new human! 
We always wish they could talk and tell us their story.....Almont was found as a stray, yep you guessed it, in Almont, Michigan. First thing you'll notice about this boy is ALL THAT FUR, he actually has a grand mane, as he's a stout, floofy boy. Everything is new for this boy, so he's been learning each and every day. He was allowed to do what he wanted in the past, so he's easily distracted by his surroundings. When he first arrived he would not eat any type of treat, including HIGH VALUE people food, as he was very people, new things he was on overload. After allowing him peace and quiet time away from our day to day routine, he started to relax. Learning that if he entered his kennel he would be rewarded, in 2 days he learned going into his kennel earned him those treats that he now really enjoyed. He had no idea what a collar was and would stop, drop and roll, when we attempted to put one on him, using calm touch, he allowed the act of putting on a collar. He also had no idea what a leash was, so he did a great impression of a "fish out of water", but was allowed to drag an attached leash in order to become familiar with this alien that was guiding him. We've worked on touching his collar, putting hands under it, taking it on and off and he's accepted it all, same with the leash. 
Since settling in here, he allows us to touch him all over his body, although he prefers you do not hold his paws. Almont will rest up against your legs if your seated and look up for more pets. We've listed children over 12 because he does use his mouth to touch your hands, he's being corrected for this each and every time and it's starting to make an impression. 
Now for the health stuff, as we stated earlier, everything is NEW for this boy. He has never been to a groomer, and he was very scared so we ended the session before he was groomed. He did well at the vet, but was nervous, of course this was attempted only 1 week after he was found. He allowed the vet to give vaccines, but was much too overwhelmed to have his blood drawn for a heart worm test. His neuter was the next day, so he spent the night at the vet's office and while sedated for his neuter, they were able to draw blood and his test came back heart worm positive. NOT THE NEWS WE EVER WANT TO HEAR. So chest x-rays and more blood work were done to see if he could even be neutered. The x-rays and blood work were ok, so he was neutered. He is now on 30 days of doxycyclin and will have his heart worm treatment the first week of December. He is on restricted exercise at this time. Although he has found some of the toys in or foster yard to be fun, he usually tosses or pushes the toys around and then plops down for a chew. He enjoys laying in the sun and watching our pack play. Almont has been a good house citizen. 