Sissy |
Gender: Female
Age: 5 Years
Height/Weight: 18" / 29 lbs
House-trained: Yes
Fenced yard required: No
Location: SE Michigan
Foster Home: Jo |
Crate-trained: Yes
Treat-motivated: Yes
Toy-motivated: tbd
Likes Car Rides: Yes
Good with cats: herdy
Good with kids: herdy
Commands: sit, down, crate, come. Still working on "leave it" and "stay" |
Sissy was adopted in March, 2015. We look forward to hearing from her new family.
My foster mom was going to tell you all about me but I snuck on her computer and decided to do it myself. 
My birthday is in April so I am almost 6 years old but I like to run and play with my foster dog siblings and even the cat. I like to herd or just stare at the cat but if my foster mom tells me to "leave it", I do her bidding. The dogs and cat are nice and all, but I would really rather be with my special human. I am very sweet and attentive and like to be at your heels wanting to be with you and wait for my next command. If you would like to just sit and snuggle with me on the couch, I'm your girl! If you want to walk - grab that leash and let's boogie! They keep saying I have an old hip injury but the vet says I'm fine and it doesn't stop me from running, dog wrestling or catching a ball. I am calm and well-behaved in the house and will sometimes play on my own and won't bother you at all. 
I love my crate - it's my special spot (aside from the couch next to my human) - and I sleep in there sometimes even when my foster mom doesn't tell me to go in. I am also very gentle when I take treats. 
The car is not a problem for me at all - I LOVE it - Let's goooooo! I can see myself camping with you, walking in the woods and going to the dog park. 
Every once in a while, I get busy playing and forget to do my pacing to let my foster mom know I need to go outside. So my foster mom corrects me, says "outside - go potty" and I have shown tremendous improvement - she keeps telling me I'm getting it. 
My foster mom has been working on commands with me: I know sit, stay (most of the time), down, crate, leave it and come. If you call me, I am all about that!!! 
If you would like to be my companion, I'm open to all offers! Contact my foster mom because she just caught me typing and I have to get off the computer now. Bye, Sissy. 