Khloe |
Gender: Female
Age: 1 Year
Height/Weight: tbd
Fenced yard required:
Location: Mid-Michigan
Foster Home: Becky K. |
Likes Car Rides:
Good with cats:
Good with kids: Yes
Commands: |
Khloe was adopted in March, 2015. Here she is with her new family! 
Khloe is anywhere for 8 months -1 year old, she is under 30 pounds. She is very good with kids and small dogs. Cats she takes a big interest in, but can be corrected or put into place. Her new family must have patience that the transition for Khloe will be a good week or so. She needs a strong crate, with extra hooks on the door. She has learned that her crate is a fun place and a place for FOOD! All meals she eats in her crate. She has shown food possession issues via growling with the dogs. She has never snapped but the opportunity usually is minimalized with her being separated at meal time. She also has shown this behavior with being possessive of me towards the dogs as well, usually when I am sitting on the couch and she is sitting with me. (This is getting less and less, because she looses her privilege of being next to me on the couch when she does that.) She will benefit having her crate in the social area of the house and in the bedroom. She should not be closed in a room as a way of confining her. 
Potty training is going very well and she has never messed in her crate. Its now been a few days without any accidents! She is learning some manners and now knows "sit" and "kennel" She is walking well on a leash and does well in the car. I do see potential in her to have a good recall, she gives a lot of her attention to you and is very food motivated. She really follows me from room to room "helping" with housework. 
Khloe will alert you of people/animals outside and of people coming into the home. She is still a little cautious of new things, she needs her humans support and confidence to lead her.
She is playful, loves to play with toys and rip off little pieces of them. 

Khloe's shelter picture.