Doppler |
Gender: Female
Age: 11 Months
Height/Weight: tbd / 44 lbs
House-trained: Yes
Fenced yard required: No
Location: Central Indiana
Foster Home: Shauna |
Crate-trained: Yes
Treat-motivated: Yes
Toy-motivated: Yes
Likes Car Rides: Ye
Good with cats: Dog-savvy cats
Good with kids: 6 and up
Commands: Sit, down, come, wait, crate, off, shake, high-five, spin, sit up, go to your bed (currently working on stay) |
Doppler was adopted in February, 2015. Here she is with her new family! 

Hi Everyone, Doppler here! My foster mom told me that people would like to know what’s going on in my world and who better to update everyone than me!
I’m super smart and love to learn! Have you checked out my video? It shows you how smart I am! My foster mom says that I’m a rocket scientist! Right now I am learning how to play dead and I’ve almost got it down. I love treats, but I also love to be told that I’m doing a good job too. I love to play ball in the yard and I love to run and jump. If you’re looking for a running partner, someone to play fetch with or maybe someone to do agility with—then I’m your girl!
I love people! There’s nothing that I love more than to sit next to my foster mom on the couch and cuddle. Whether I am playing with a toy or taking a nap, I love to lie next to people and often will place a paw on them just to make sure they are still there next to me.
I just turned one! I feel like I’m a big dog now, or a teenager in human years. I’ve gotten really comfortable in my foster home and tell my foster mom if I don’t want to do something. For example, I don’t really like my nails trimmed and when it’s nail trim time I like to tell my foster mom that my nails are fine! I even lay on the ground, kicking my feet in the air to try to show her my nails are fine, but she says I still need a nail trim. She’s always very patient with me and gives me lots of back rubs and treats for holding still for nail trims and then I remember nail trims aren’t so bad!
Also, now that I’m one I sometimes like to show the other dogs in the house that I’m the boss, especially the oldest dog of the house, Lilly. Lilly has always been Queen of the house and I figure that it would be fun if I were the Queen! I try to boss Lilly around sometimes, but Lilly is very patient with me and ignores me. My foster mom says I need to have manners and is always working with me to make sure I “mind them”—whatever that means! My future family needs to know that once I get settled in, I may try to be the leader dog. This doesn’t mean that I don’t like other dogs though. My best friend Great Dane, Sophie and I have a lot of fun together and can play for hours!
There are also these small animals that live in my foster home. I think my foster mom calls them kitties. I love to look at them and if they are close enough I like to sniff them and touch them with my nose, but I’m never mean to the kitties.
I’m still looking for my forever home! If you’re looking for your next best friend—that’s me! If you’re looking for a dog that super loyal and will always be by your side—that’s me! If you’re looking for a running partner or a snuggle buddy—that’s me too! Check out my video if you haven’t yet and if you have any questions, please ask my foster mom!
Doppler is a STAR - check out her new video!
Doppler is continuing to do very well in her foster home. We have worked on making her crate super positive and now we can ask her to go to her crate from any room of the house and she immediately goes to her crate and waits patiently for her treat. We've been continuing to work on her puppy manners and she is doing very well! When she first arrived at her foster home, she would greet people by jumping up on them for several minutes and also at random times. Now, she only jumps up on people one or two times when she gets let out of her crate or someone walks into the house-- great improvement! Her stubborn side is quickly disappearing as well! She has not exhibited any herding behavior in her foster home, but when she's not playing with resident dog Sophie, she does like to be physically next to/touching her foster mom. Because of her energetic behavior and want to be as close to her people as possible at all times, she will need to go to a home with children 6 years and older. She continues to do well with cats, but continues to like to sniff and touch them. Her favorite toys are stuffed toys and she loves to tear them to shreds-- just like resident dogs Lilly and Sophie-- it looks like a snow storm has hit her foster house a lot of the time! Doppler continues to play well with Sophie-- their favorite game is tug of war with the stuffed toys.She is a super active girl who loves to run and jump--- her foster mom thinks she would do great with agility!
Doppler is a beautiful, loving and goofy 9 month old Border Collie mix. She came to GLBCR from a family with young children. Unfortunately, Doppler’s herding instinct was too much for the small children in the household. The family loved Doppler very much and had to make the very difficult decision that she needed a home better suited for her behavior. 
Doppler is doing fantastic in her foster home. She is a medium energy dog who loves to play. Doppler is great friends with resident dog, Sophie, a one year old Great Dane. They play constantly. The other resident dog is her foster mom’s 10 year old Border Collie, Lilly, who is a “people” dog. Lilly is the queen of the house and Doppler never challenges that. She occasionally tries to get Lilly to play, but respects Lilly when she walks away or ignores her. She also loves playing ball in the yard. She runs after the ball and brings it back, but loves playing “keep away” rather than giving it back to her foster mom. Doppler loves walks, but is a leash-puller so we are working on walking nicely on a leash. 
She has a huge personality and steals the heart of everyone she meets. She is quite a goofy girl and makes her foster mom laugh—a lot. For example, she’ll decide that she would like a better view of all that is going on in the room and have a seat on the roof of her crate. She is also super lovey and doesn’t like to be far from her people. When Doppler’s not playing with Sophie, she is constantly at the feet of her foster mom and tries to literally lay on top of her when it’s time to sleep for the night. 
Doppler does have a bit of a stubborn side to her and will let you know when she doesn’t want to do something. She is not a huge fan of her crate and will drop and get into a ball when it’s time to get into it. She has gotten the routine down at her foster home and has even gone so far as to climb under the back deck when she knows she’s out for her last potty break before her people go to work. She also is not a huge fan of being brushed and will drop into a ball to try to avoid it. We are working on making those things very positive to her and as fun as possible. This will need to be continued in her forever home. Raising of voices/scolding/getting frustrated will absolutely not work with Doppler and will cause her to shut down further. What does work for Doppler is happy/excited energy and making the things she dislikes as positive as possible. 
Doppler is an amazing dog looking for her forever home. It is still being determined whether Doppler can go to a home with young children, but she has shown no herding instinct in her foster home. She needs to go to an active household that will be able to take her on walks, play ball and give her the exercise that she needs. While Doppler does great with dogs, it’s not felt that she needs to go to a home that has a dog. Are you the right family for her? 