Izzy |
Gender: Female
Age: 9 Months
Height/Weight: 24" / 44 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Fenced yard required:
Location: Mid-Michigan
Foster Home: Stephanie |
Crate-trained: Yes
Treat-motivated: Yes
Toy-motivated: Yes
Likes Car Rides:
Good with cats:
Good with kids: Yes
Commands: sit, outside, no, down, off , fall over at my feet |
October, 2013: "I’m sorry that I never gave an update on Izzy. She is absolutely wonderful. Izzy loves people. I’ve never seen a friendlier dog with kids. I do have to watch her around other dogs though. She has gotten into a couple of fights when she has been bordered at dog care facilities. She has a short warning period. But, we’ve learned how to keep her and other dogs safe. Fortunately, she and our husky, Luna, are great playmates. They get along really well. We’ve only had a couple of quarrels between the two dogs in the first year we had Izzy. We haven’t had any problems over the last year or so.
"Izzy listens very well. She loves being in our backyard and playing in the lake. When I call her, she comes immediately.
I plan to get her trained as a pet therapy dog. She is very gentle with people and loves to lick. She has brought so much joy to our home. I want to be able to share her with others.
"I really appreciate all the work you do." 

Update: Izzy was adopted in February, 2011. We look forward to hearing from her new family.
Izzy came to GLBCR from a local shelter where she was not doing well. As a BC/Lab mix, she demonstrated many of the stress characteristics Border Collies can show in a shelter environment. We were able to get her from the shelter and watch her attitude change in literally hours.
Izzy is a good mix of both breeds. She shows the intelligence of a Border Collie. She is a really fast learner. She also shows the traits of loyalty, companionship, and love for all people as a Lab would.
Over the past week, we have really seen Izzy come a long way. She didn’t know her name and now responds with just a whisper. She figured out really fast, that we potty outside. She has learned a great deal from observing our two BC’s. She has caught on to the feeding routine like a champ and looks forward to every meal. She is VERY treat motivated!
She is crate trained although, it’s not her favorite place to be. She will go in without too much complaint. She is learning that her crate isn’t all that bad of a place!
If you have a special place in your heart and home, Izzy would be a wonderful addition. She has a lot of energy and would make a fabulous running partner. She would even make a good agility dog with all her spunk. She is a very fast learner and very eager to please. She is a great little gal!