Sunny |
Gender: Female
Age: 7 Years
Height/Weight: 34#
Housebroken: Yes
Fenced yard required: TBD
Location: Near Lansing, MI
Foster Home: Kathy P. |
Treat-motivated: Yes
Toy-motivated: Somewhat
Likes Car Rides: Yes
Good with cats: Yes
Good with kids: No
Fears: TBD
Commands: Sit, no, down, off, outside, potty |
Update: Sunny was adopted in August, 2010. Her new dad reports: "Sunny seems to be doing well. She's passed out on the floor next to me right now, haha. I think we are starting to bond: she comes to greet me when I come in, and is even starting to wag her tail when she sees me. She's so docile and obedient and comes almost every time I call her. I can even let her out in my parent's backyard (which is not fenced) with no leash, with no problems. I'm amazed. She did really well with my parent's dog, a rather neurotic Border Terrier named Rusty. Rusty is very territorial and doesn't like other dogs, but she seems to have a calming effect on him. Plus she's so smart! So far, I've figured out she knows sit, down, speak, out, in, potty, come, heel, and shake (are there any I'm missing?), etc.
"I'm trying to figure out what mix she is; I'm wondering if she isn't part Pointer. The other day a cat wandered into our yard, and she ran up to it, stopped, and just kind of lifted her front paw and pointed at it.
"Thanks for everything, and I hope you know how much Sunny is loved, and how much I care about her already =)"

Are you looking for someone to go on long walks through park with? How about someone to go on Sunday drives through the country? Sound like something you are looking for? Well, you’re in luck!
Update 7/24: Sunny is feeling better and is definitely a man's dog. She has picked a male companion to bond with out of each household she has been in. At first I thought there may be some hearing deficit from all her ear infections but I think I was mistaken, she hears very well. She is really enjoying my young adult son and loves to wrestle with him (see her video of the 2 of them in a wrestling session). Sunny is a very easy dog in that she doesn't require a lot of exercise and has excellent recall. She continues to be sensitive about her ears so would do best in a non-child home. She is starting to initiate play with my other dogs and has recently found the tug toys. She is a love bug and would love to cuddle up on the couch with you or roll over for a belly rub.
Updated 6/26: Sunny is 7 yo female who has had a difficult life. At her age she should be settling down to enjoy her older years but instead was dumped at the shelter when her family moved out of town. She came in with some pretty significant ear infections which have now recurred. Because of the discomfort she experiences based on her ear infections she is somewhat sensitive about her ears so would do best in an adult only home. She would make a great companion for anyone looking for a dog to hang out while you do your gardening or other outside work. She loves to lay at my feet when I am working on the computer or reading a book. There are not enough scritches in the world for this sweet girl. She loves to be brushed and will roll over so you don't forget to brush her tummy. She rides like a dream in the car. She gets along well with other dogs, even my crabby female. She does not have any fear of storms as many border collies are prone to, this may be attributed to some probable hearing loss from her ear infections. She seems to react to some frequencies but doesn't hear others. Teaching hand signals would be a benefit for Sunny.
Sunny has been with me for only a short time but immediately fit right into the household. She is an easy dog, but will need some confidence building to help her reach her full potential. If you are looking for a great companion level dog, Sunny is your girl.
Sound good so far? Keep reading…
Sunny likes to spend her days at the side of her human and K-9 companions. Her passion in life is all about dirty, stinky, and smelly socks. The nastier the better in her book! She also enjoys a nice rawhide once in awhile. When she is feeling frisky she loves to lie on the floor and rub and roll all over the place. When she is feeling really frisky, she loves to run around the house and yard playing with both her human and K-9 buddies!
Want a dog with heart? Keep going…
Sunny has over come some obstacles since coming into foster care. She had to adjust to new humans, which she did without any complaint. She had to deal with one of the worst ear infections the vet has ever seen, and took it like a champ! After getting spayed, she rebounded in no time at all! She really has a great attitude toward life!
If you think you have the room in your heart and home to give to this loving middle –aged gal, she will reward you with many years of endless love and devotion.