Mercury, now Niles |
Gender: Male
Age: 10 Months
Height/Weight: 19" / 23 lbs
Fenced yard required:No
Location: SE Michigan
Foster Home: Patty |
Likes Car Rides:tbd
Good with cats: Yes
Good with kids:Yes
Commands: Sit, Kennel Up |
Update January, 2011: We have had Mercury (now Niles) for just over a month. He is making himself right at home as you can see from the pictures. Niles is the one in the red collar. We adore him.
Niles and his new sister Indy like to play and chase each other around the back yard. They are very well matched, just about the same size and makings. Both have a white spot on the back of their heads.
Niles just finished his second week of puppy obedience class. He loves going to class. He has a solid sit and down, walks great on a leash needs some work in the heal position. He looks like he could be a great obedience or rally dog.
Thanks again for all your hard work finding border collies, forever homes.
Update: Mercury was adopted in December, 2010. He and his new brother Indy are almost identical twins, except Indy has prick ears and Merc with his little airplane ears. They will be in for some non-stop fun as they never stopped playing the whole time.
Meet Mercury, so named because he's so fast. Mercury is a young fella, not quite a year old and full of puppy fun. He LOVES toys, the more the merrier and he's always trying to see how many he can pick up in his mouth at once. Merc is going to be an awesome dog when he grows up. He takes treats very nicely and wants to be a good boy, so he learns quickly. And as much as he tears around the yard, he calms down in the house. He's very sweet and loves hugs & tummy rubs. He's still very much a puppy and will destroy stuffed toys if left unsupervised. Every tennis ball *must* be defuzzed. Nylabones are a good diversion. He's not yet reliable off leash as he enjoys a good game of chase me - catch me if you can. He would never bolt and run off, but he likes to be chased. Keep away is the best. We're working on that in our fenced yard. He's very good in his crate when he needs a nap or when I can't keep an eye on him. Mercury would make a great agility or flyball dog. He'll also be a great companion as he's so people oriented. He's good with kitties and older children. He would love to take an obedience class with you.
 Mercury at the shelter.
 Another shelter picture.
 Things are much better in my foster home!
