Rona |
Gender: Female
Age: Senior
Fenced yard required:
Location: SE Michigan
Foster Home: Ken and Linda |
Likes Car Rides:
Good with cats:
Good with kids:
Commands: |
December 3, 2010: Linda reports: "The photo on the right is a pretty nice photo of this little girl. Actually, I think that she might be younger than initially thought. Remember she came in with several types of intestinal worms, heartworm, unspayed (had several litters from the looks of her), loose teeth, big growth on her leg. No wonder she was terrified. She loves Mitzi and follows her around. If Mitzi want some love, then Rona appears at her side, warily wanting attention.
She loves to chew - not shoes but has re-designed one of the carpets I bought in Istanbul. Does this mean I have to go back and replace it?"

Little Rona will be unfamiliar to those who watch the GLBCR “Adoptable Dogs” page. She came into rescue in October, 2009, at the same time and from the same shelter as Blondie. Her temporary foster family became her regular foster family, nursing her back to health through heartworm treatment and a multitude of other health problems. By the time she was available for adoption, her foster family had become her permanent family. Rona, along with GLBCR sisters Mitzi and Daisy, joined us this year at the 2010 GLBCR Rescue Reunion Picnic, and we were happy to see this senior lady in such good spirits.