Lacey Lou |
Gender: Female
Fenced yard required:
Foster Home: Pam |
Likes Car Rides:
Good with cats:
Good with kids:
Commands: |
December 22, 2012: Sorry we couldn't make it to the picnic this year we were out of town on vacation. Hope you are both doing well. We thought you might like to see some pictures of our little girl. Lacey loves going for walks so I try to take her every day. She is such a good girl, she is a little angel and everybody who meets her tells me the same thing, so I know I'm not being biased! She knows all the trails and she knows "right", "left", "straight", "have a seat", "come to momma" and of course, "give me a kissy".
Lacey Lou was adopted in April, 2009. We received the following update in September, 2011: "I wanted to send you a picture of our little angel Lacey (formerly Lacy Lou adopted 2009). As you can see she is a bit of a couch/love seat potato. I have also included a picture of her with her late big sister Beth who passed March of last year. Losing Beth still so very difficult for all of us, but Laces still has her big brother Barney and we know she loves to go for long walks to the dog park where she makes friends with EVERYONE!!! My husband calls her our "little doll" and that's exactly what she is. Thank you so much for rescuing such a gentle and loving spirit."
 With sister, Beth...
 Brother Barney (not a Border Colle, just a cutie)!