Beverly |
Gender: Female
Fenced yard required:
Foster Home: Patty |
Likes Car Rides:
Good with cats:
Good with kids:
Commands: |
Beverly came to us in March, 2009. According the the shelter report, she was wandering along a busy roadside where she was picked up by animal control, after several concerned citizens made phone calls. Patty writes: "Not so sure how an old dog like her would end up in a place like that, but she did. The shelter took to Beverly and let her stay in the Vet Clinic office instead of in the regular kennel runs. She was very old, very frail - and a rack of bones. She was loaded with Heartworms and all kinds of other intestinal parasites. Her back legs were stiff and sore. But she still had a shine in her eyes and a smile on her face. Some were worried that she wouldn't survive the transport. I decided she could just stay with me and live out the rest of her time here with me. I started calling her Rowdy. She would never survive Heartworm treatment, nobody would ever adopt her. With her intestinal worms cleared up. a good bath and some good food, she started putting on a little weight and feeling lots better. She would scamper across the yard with that silly grin. It wasn't long before her old body gave out on her. She started slipping away and I held her as she went on to the next part of her journey. But for her last few months, she had a full tummy and a nice soft warm bed. She got lots of hugs, scritches and massages. Even though this isn't a typical happy ever after tale, Beverly thought so."

"Poor thing is a rack of bones and her back hocks are all bumpy, she is having a hard time walking. She looks like she was hit by a car at some time. I'm going to give her a nice soft blankie to rest up after her trip and then see if she wants some supper."
Despite being frail and underweight, both her appetite and her attitude were good. She was evaluated by a vet, who placed her on antibiotics for her open sores (from laying on hard concrete at the shelter). Rather than place her up for adoption, Patty opted to keep her and let her spend her remaining days hanging out at the farm and laying on a comfy blanket.