Tai |
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Years
Foster Home: Stephanie and Francis
August, 2014: We live Northwest Florida (and) property owners can buy a dog permit tag that allows them on the beach during certain hours (5pm-8am). Attached are a couple more photo's. Ty has been a wonderful companion. Took him to obedience training right after adoption. Canine Good Citizen certificate. Knows voice commands, hand signals, and whistles. Almost always off-leash and we go everywhere together. Truly, an awesome success story. His story was that he was an abandoned stray from Northern Michigan. Didn't play with any toys for 6 months after I got him, then learned to play, but doesn't like fetching much. More interested in keeping all the birds off the beach. Amazing dog that is still just as fast as when I got him at about a year old!
Thanks again for all you do! 
Update: Tai was adoted in March, 2008.
His foster mom writes: "He is going to be the happiest dog in the whole world. Steve is so excited and I could tell that Tai felt the excitement as well. I can't imagine a better home for Tai. I made him promise to send me pictures as Francis and I got very attached to him in such a short time."