Quick |
Gender: Female
Age: 1 1/2 Years
Foster Home: Leslie
Update: Quick was adopted in November, 2008. We would love to receive an update from her new family.
Meet Quick- she's a true diamond in the rough. She started out her life like many border collies. She was purchased as a pup and kept outside, chained up to a dog house. Her owners thought she would help with chores but didn't take time to show her how to help.
Left to her own devices she started getting into trouble and soon found herself on the dreaded "next in line to be put to sleep list" at her local animal control.Luckily for her, a person who knows the nature of border collies went and checked her out. She was found to be a dog who had a great heart but didn't know what to do with herself. We brought her into foster care, where she is learning how to live inside a house.Actually that part comes easy to her- she LOVES being inside and quickly found the couch. She sleeps in her crate and enjoys being included as a family member.
Quick is a sponge- she is soaking up a million new words at once and you can just see her wheels turning (which is why we named her Quick). She is on the Med/High energy scale. She loves to tug- even with big distractions around which?is indicative of a dog that would do well in performance events such as flyball or agility. She instantly knew what to do with toys- ALL toys, whether it be a tug toy, a squeaky toy or a tennis ball- she wants to play with all of them at the same time. Quick is a dog that would take advantage of someone who hasn't already trained a dog- she is a border collie after all.