Dash |
Gender: Male
Age: 4-6 months
Foster Home: Kathy P.
October, 2012: "Here are some pix of Dash with his pack of girls. He is the smartest and most loyal dog I have ever owned. He had a terrible bout of the shakes this summer with the fireworks going off all the time. He eventually refused to go out even during the day. Any loud noise would cause him to hit the ground and start crawling. I finally put him on Xanax for a month and by the end of August he was better. What really helped him was going to the Dawg House in Ypsilanti with the girls. He loves it - gives him something to do everyday and he lives the man running it a lot." 

Update: Dash was adopted in April, 2008. A year later, his new mom writes: "Since I have had Dash almost a year I thought I would give you an update. Here is a picture of Dash with my other two girls. We all love him - he is the star of all the classes we have taken and his sister, Jet, lives down the street. He plays with her a lot and also goes to class with her. I can walk him off leash and he rarely is far from me but he has gotten over many of his fears. Thanks so much for picking him for me. He has fit in perfectly in our family."