Bacon |
Gender: Male
Age: 1.5 years
Foster Home: Kim and Stacy
November, 2013: GLBCR volunteer John had knee surgery. Fortunately he has Bacon to provide constant medical supervision.

 With brothers Gulliver (left - GLBCR 2011) and Wyatt (cattle dog).
Halloween, 2011 - Wyatt, Gulliver, and Bacon.
Update: May 22, 2011: Bacon and his BIG brother Gulliver joined the GLBCR Booth Crew as Ambassador Dogs at the 2011 Crown Point Pet Expo.
Update: Bacon was adopted in October, 2008. His new family has joined the ranks of GLBCR volunteers and Bacon is a regular fixture at events and fundraisers.

With brother, Wyatt, investigating the interlopers....

Getting a drink...
 Sonic, Wyatt, and Bacon (looking away).
 At work with Dad.
 At the 2009 GLBCR Rescue Reunion Picnic.
 Wendy and Wyatt compete in the "Kissing Contest."
 Reunited with his foster parents at the 2010 GLBCR Rescue Reunion Picnic.
 Halloween 2010
 Bacon at Christmas...