Tabitha, now Gracie |
Gender: Female
Age: 9 Months
Foster Home: Teri
Update: Tabitha was adopted in June, 2007 and is now known as Gracie.

Hi my name is Tabitha but my foster home has been calling me Tabby. They say Tabitha is too big of a name for such a little girl like me although since I’ve been here, I’ve been putting on a little more weight which I really needed
Let me tell you a little about myself. I am just a puppy yet, only 8 or 9 months old, have a super sweet smile if you’re lucky enough to see it, and just want to play, play, play. I always speak my mind when the other dogs take my bone or babies. I just figured out how to get them to squeak too (the babies, that is, not the other dogs...)! Stuffing is more fun outside of the babies than it is in. I’m convinced that balls are pretty much the best thing on earth and love to go fetch it to be dropped and thrown again. Being Top Dog is not something I am concerned about, I am just fun and lively. I’ve enjoyed wrestling with my foster sister even though she is almost twice my size. Foster momma says I’m still holding my own for being so tiny. Outside seems to mean bouncing around, digging and doing my business (THAT doesn’t happen in the house, not ever!), other than that I mean, what’s the point in going OUT? I’ve started something called “kindergarten” and that started with walking on a leash next to my foster family. Already in less than a week I’ve graduated up to “sit” when we stop and always sit to go outside and come back in. Foster momma says I’m pretty smart, whatever that means. Apparently there is this new thing called “affection” that I’m really starting to like. I don’t remember getting much of it before but now I get hugs, cuddles, and kisses (my favorite is the cuddles, I could melt!) So far that’s been way cool! I broke out one day when the dog run broke but because I like it so much here, I didn’t run away, not even a thought. The only part of my new day I don’t care for much is I have to “kennel up” while everyone is at work or school. Don’t get me wrong, I do it with no problem, it’s just not my favorite. At least I know I can’t get into trouble then.
Well, better be off for now! Hope you will tune in again soon for an update and maybe consider taking me to my “forever home”. Foster family is great but what I have been hearing about forever homes sound even nicer! I would like nothing more than a family of my own to love and to love me.