Stella |
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Foster Home: Jenn
From our Facebook page, January 2014: "Stella, the Wonder dog. Our adoptie from GLBCR more than a few years ago(Apr 2006)!! She LUVS the snow and still thinks she is a sled dog when we go out. best thing to happen to our place. Thank you guys for putting us together!"
Update: Stella was adopted in April, 2006. We received the following update in October of that year: "I began looking for a dog months before I found Stella. I looked at several local rescues (I wanted something small, like a cocker spaniel). Most of the people working the rescue weekends didn't even talk to me when I arrived. When I began dealing with GLBC rescue, I got interviewed, our house got checked out, and the most reluctant husband got hunted down and interviewed, much to his dismay and my worry that the deal would be scotched. I even applied for other dogs, but I was too late. We "interviewed" 2 dogs and when we met Stella we just knew. And it seemed that Stella knew."
She is wonderful. She is a lady and a hunter. She is warm and fuzzy and eager and wonderful. We are so lucky we were put off until she became the one. I can't imagine what any other dog would have been like. Stella act's like we were her whole life family and we don't remember a time without her. I wanted to write this from her point of view, but in my point of view we have been blessed.
I think we figured out how she got away from her original family and we don't think it was their fault. She is somewhat vigorous!! I hope they know that she is okay and we love her everyday. Even the reluctant husband is a convert, and pets her when she comes to say hello. We are all part of her night time ritual. Thanks so much. And special thanks to Jenn for being so supportive.