Rubbel, now Trouble |
Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years
Foster Home: Kathy P.
Update: Rubbel was adopted in July, 2006 and renamed Trouble. Sadly, he has crossed the Bridge and is no longer with us, but while he was here, it's clear he lived a great life and was well loved. In May, 2007, we received the following update: "Trouble is wonderful. I'm in MA now doing some research, so Trouble's with Jim in the UP (Jim & I got married in January).
"When we're in the UP, Trouble gets his frisbee fix twice a day at least, but when he's with me in Rochester, we can only manage once a day and a couple of long walks. This winter we played snow frisbee, and on our way to the UP two weeks ago, Trouble played his other favorite game, water frisbee. We stopped at our usual spot in the dunes, but I figured the water was too cold for him, so I threw the first throw on the beach, he caught it & ran into the water anyway. This dog loves the water! I, however, like my water a bit warmer, especially when Trouble's timing is off & I have to wade in up to my knees to rescue the precious frisbee from a bitter cold Lake Michigan. :)
"This Christmas we went to Jim's folks house in Chicago. I was nervous about our visit because Jim's young neices and nephew were going to be there as well. Day one the kids and dog avoided one another, keeping a respectful distance. Day two the girls played frisbee with us. And by day three, four-year-old Andrew had Trouble sitting on command (all he had to do was point a tiny finger down & Troub obeyed). Trouble was so charming and so gentle with the kids!
"He's such an affectionate dog too & loves to cuddle. This is my first long trip away from Trouble, so you can probably tell I'm missing him.
"We're not going camping (for any extended trips) this summer because we have family coming up for a wedding celebration in July, but Trouble's already getting his fill of the beach, the water, and long walks on the trails...Jim's even started bringing him into the office.
"I'm attaching a few least one of snow frisbee, but the quality's not great on that one. Actually, the quality's pretty poor on all of them.
"Thanks again for taking care of him! He's such a great dog & we're so grateful to you and GLBCR for rescuing him. We can't for the life of us understand how anyone could've given him up, but we count our good fortune every day that they did."