Munch |
Gender: Male
Age: 1 1/2 Years
Foster Home: Becky
Update: Munch was adopted in April, 2006. His new family writes: "Munch has settled in quite well in his new
home and bonded with his new forever family, John and Yumi.
Munch follows John around everywhere and gets very upset
when he can't be with him. John mowed the lawn today and
Munch watched him the whole time out the window whining
because he wanted to be with him. He has been a very good
boy in the house and has had no accidents. When Yumi
leaves, he sits by the door waiting for her to come back.
They go for walks daily and have been to PetSmart and the
groomers several times. They are going to sign-up for
obedience classes after they get back from Mexico in June
to finesse his leash walking. All is good in Munch's new
home: they are thrilled with him.
 Munch at the shelter. See how scared he was?
 Things are much better now!
