Libby |
Gender: Female
Age: 2 Years
Foster Home:
Update: Libby was adopted in March, 2006. We've received the following updates from her adoptive family:
01/06/2009 We adopted Libby in March, 2006 and we can't be thankful enough to the rescue. She is a wonderful, good-natured, loving dog. Libby has become the "neighborhood" dog since we moved to Stoughton. The kids in the neighborhood play with her daily in the summer and offer to take her for walks. She loves to run and play with them and has really taken to chasing and fetching soccer balls. The only thing she likes to herd though is our cats with our 4 year old son-it has become quite a game to get the cats to come out from under the bed and run downstairs.
Libby and I have done agility for the last 2 years, although last summer we only went a few times since I was pregnant-I had trouble keeping up with her during the practices. We had a baby girl on Dec. 14th. But this year we hope to compete again, she qualified at her first trial last year in tunnels.
Libby has been a very healthy and happy dog. She is a great playmate to my son and she is my "velcro dog", never leaving my side. We feel very fortunate to have gotten such a wonderful, kind, smart dog.
01/06/2008 Libby is 3 yrs. old now and has been a joyful addition to our family. Libby and I started training for agility in the spring of 2007 and this last December, Libby competed in her first agility trail in Madison, WI. She placed 3rd in her class and got a qualifying time in her first tunnelers run. We were very proud of her, especially since she just started classes 7 months previously. We plan to do more trials this coming year. She is very fast and is building confidence all the time. Libby is a playmate to our son Jonathan and all the neighborhood kids. She loves playing and chasing them around the neighborhood. Libby still remains my velcro dog and never leaves my side. She loves to please at all times, and snuggle with you every second she can get. She is really enjoying our new home, which in in Stoughton, WI. We have a big lot on a cul de sac. She definitely is not a "typical border collie" because she never leaves our yard or the yard in back of us. Libby is loving the snow this year, in fact I have nick-named her Nanook, the snow dog. She runs, jumps, eats and tunnels in the snow every chance she can get. Thank you GLBCR for giving us the chance to adopt such a wonderful dog.
04/30/2006 Just wanted to give you an update on Libby. She was adopted in Febuary 2006. She is doing great! She is still a grade A cuddler and cannot get enough love. Our 2 year old son gives her hugs all day long. Libby is treat motivated and learned basic commands very quickly. She wasn't too much for playing with toys until she discovered a soccer ball and spends a lot of time running after that and carrying it around in the yard. She has developed a liking for shoes and will chew on them if left alone in the house for any length of time. Mom and Dad have quickly learned to pick up all shoes before leaving home. Libby is a very sweet girl and our cats, Callie and Mitzy, have finally got it that Libby is not going to eat them and have come out of hiding. Libby has been a wonderful addition to our family.
Libby's mom is going to be working at the UW/Madison Hospital, and Libby is going to start working on getting certified as a service dog so she can visit the pediatric unit at the hospital. She is wonderful with kids and loves attention.