Jaque, now Sam |
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Years
Foster Home: Kathy P.
Update: Jaque was adopted in April, 2006 and is now known as Sam. In October, 2006, his foster mom received the following update: "Sam is doing great! We went for a hike yesterday with a couple of friends, and one asked me if I was sure Sam was shy, because he sure didn't act like it. I think hiking is his favorite thing, which is great because it is one of my favorite things too. Lately he has been chasing the deer through the woods where we hike with his buddy Ripley, who is also a border collie mix. It worried me a bit, but he does come back when I call him, and I think they thoroughly enjoy it!. Ripley is a young dog, and a bit aggressive, but Sam does not let him push him around, which I was glad about. Sam seems to like him, which is nice since he is polite to, but ignores most other dogs.
"Sam also likes agility, and can do a whole course now. The only thing he hasn't learned is the teeter-totter. We go to an outdoor agility class once a week (we move indoors this week) and missed a few weeks because of rain. The next time we went, Sam would not listen to me, and before I could stop him, he went over all the obstacles one after another, and ended up out of breath lying inside the tunnel. The instructor just laughed and said, you can tell he loves being here! And he does too! He turns into a social butterfly and wants to talk to all the other dogs and people. I often bring him early so he can get all his greetings out of the way, and run through a few jumps before we start class. I built some jumps for him in the backyard, and got some weave poles, and we play with those most days. He still does not understand about playing ball, even though I keep trying to teach him. He just takes the ball and runs back to his crate to hide it. Or if we are outside he puts it in his hole in the lilies. If I take it back and throw it again, he just looks at me like I am the one who doesn't understand and puts it back in his crate.
"He is still shy about new places though, and hates being inside anywhere else but my house. He also does not like loud groups of people, and will pull hard on the leash to get away. I need to be more consistent about taking him into pet stores and other places, but it is hard to find the time regularly.
"He has turned into a good watch dog too. He barks a lot when someone pulls into the driveway or comes to the door. But when I open it, he just wags his tail to say hi. He never barks anywhere else, just when we are home. I think he will always be shy, but we just keep working on it, and he gets better and better. He is the sweetest dog I know, he follows me around the house, and often comes up and licks my hand. I just adore him."

From Jaque's foster mom: "(Jacque), my first foster did not come out of his crate for 5 days unless I put a lead on and coaxed him out. When he did come out it was to hide under the table in the corner. When I went to see him 1 year after adoption he came bounding from the back of the house barking and crawled into my lap as if to thank me for saving him and letting him be a dog. I did not see any part of the shy dog that came to my home."