Buster Brown
Gender: Male
Age: Senior
Foster Home: Rebecca
Update: Buster Brown was adopted in February, 2006 when his foster home became his Forever Home!

Buster Brown is a bit of a legend at GLBCR. He came to us from a shelter in Ohio, where it was evident he'd been somebody's "farm dog." He was a stoic, good-natured guy, who accepted his lot in life, and didn't seem to get worked-up about much of anything.
While in his first foster home, Buster accompanied his foster mom and one of her friends to the pet store for some socialization. He was relaxed in the car, unimpressed by the crowd at the pet store, and uninterested in the stacks and stacks of dog food. "Just another day," he seemed to be thinking.
Until they reached the back of the store, where the walls were covered with bin after bin of stuffed toys.
Buster's head came up and his eyes sparkled like a little kid's on Christmas morning. His amused foster mom gave him free rein to check out the toys, and he pranced back and forth along the row of bins, grabbing stuffies and squeaking away happily. People stopped shopping to watch this "serious" senior farm dog discover his inner puppy.
When it was over, his foster mom allowed him to keep his three favorite toys. 
All of them were pink.