Andie, now Aero |
Gender: Female
Age: 1 1/2 Years
Foster Home: Katy
Update: Andie was adopted in April, 2006 and is now known as Aero. A month later, she sent us the following update: "Hi everybody! This is Aero, who used to be Andie, who was also called Andalyn, who was previously Morgan (I've seen that show, "Alias", and I gotta tell you, it's got nothing on me!). My foster mom, Katy, found me lots of very cool families who wanted to take me home.................and then she met Lisa and Peter. They drove all the way to her house in Michigan from some foreign country called "ILLINOIS", and spent the day saying nice things to me and letting me check them out. They didn't smell all THAT bad, so I eventually let them pet me. I even brought my precious frisbee back to them over and over and over again so they could keep throwing it away and I could show them how very much I LOVE FRISBEES!!!!!!!!! I liked them a lot, and they liked me right back. And before I knew it, Katy was driving me all the way to ILLINOIS to be their new wonder dog.
I was a little dismayed to meet my new sister, "Maybe", who looks a little bit like a poorly done clone of me, and who seemed to think that SHE was their one and only wonder dog. But I pulled her tail and yanked her ears and ran her into the ground, and now we play and run and vie for Lisa and Peter's undivided attention on a daily basis. They have a yard the size of ILLINOIS for us to run and play and try to bury each other in, and they even have a pond, which is just like a big water dish that never gets empty. I am including some pictures of me and my sister Maybe. I'm the cute one with the Catherine Zeta-Jones eyes and the Michael Jordan tongue. Maybe is the one with the Albert Einstein haircut and the Paris Hilton attitude (there, on the left). 
My new people love me to death, and want to adopt my foster mom, Katy. They're kinda OLD compared to Katy (early 50' dog years, they're dead), but they can still fling a frisbee or throw a tennis ball, and they sure know how to love a dog. So I believe I'm well on the way to happily ever after!
Love, Aero (aka Andie, aka Andalyn, aka Morgan)