Twylah |
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years
Foster Home: Dee
Update: Twylah was adopted in July, 2005. We received the following update from her in February, 2007: "I am Ms. Twylah. My life was not always a box of Valentine's Day chocolates until the day I was spared by the loving folks at GLBCR. I will always love you and never forget you. My life here in Chelsea since 2005 has been a perfect blend of town and country to suit my tastes. I love to visit friends at parks, the farm supply stores, the local pet store, and the post office. Everywhere I go my gentle spirit and beauty are praised. I carry my tail up high like a parasol, so one could say with all modesty, that I am the most elegant lady dog around and about Chelsea, a small 1800s midwestern town, population 4,000.
"At home I prefer to be with my Mom, Rachel, above anything else...even treats and good food. I have her trained to transport me in style almost every time she goes out. This way I get to see what's going on in the world. Ian and Brian both walk me at various times of the day through the countryside. Now and then I am allowed to run free, but I tend to get curious...I like to go over to visit animals on other farms 1/4 mile away rather than hanging in on my own 15 acres or the 60 acres across the road minding my own business. One of my favorite things is to go to this salon in Saline for an all day beautification...honestly, I love it there. Since I tend to become filled with the joy of life and roll in the burrs, usually my forays of freedom are limited.
"I tried some Border Collie stuff, but not sure if its for me. We went to an agility contest and afterwards I followed Rachel's suggestion and went through a tunnel, then made a beeline for the only opening in the fence and made my escape. Not my cup of tea. We went out to meet a lady named Becky on her farm and she asked me to chase her sheep for awhile, which I did until my tongue was practically on the ground. I swear...I never ran so fast in my life...exhausting! We decided I don't have the hips for it. But, one time I saved the day at our farm. A hot air balloon flew too low over the pasture and our sheep, Fannie, bolted over the top of the fence and she was loose. The adults were rushing around trying to figure out what to do. Rachel, on the inside of the house in her nightgown, turned me loose and I spotted Fannie heading down the hill. Well, I marched her right up to the top of the hill to her pasture. When she tried to stray away I held her in. Finally she gave up and went back in through the, yeah, I guess its in my DNA, but I hate to ruin my nails with this stuff.
"Every year I go to family reunions. One of my favorite things to do is to go on the Michigan Southern Railroad Fall Color Tour with the family in an open box car. Children gather around me petting me and there parents trust me to give them little kisses.
"Speaking of kisses, in honor of the holiday of love, I hope that you can post my Valentine's Day wish picture for you here, my dear friends. I hope to be able to see you some time again."
Much Love, Twylah