Riggs |
Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years
Foster Home: Patty, then Emily
Update: Riggs was adopted in October, 2005. He spent five wonderful years in his forever home, then sadly crossed the Bridge in June, 2005. His mom wrote: "For those of you who remember him, Riggs (our giant BC), age 11 or so, went to the rainbow bridge last Saturday after a gallant fight against auto-immune deficiency disease. He survived hip dysplasia and the surgery, 1 big stroke and 4 smaller ones, never lost his zest for life or for herding the vacuum untilthe last few weeks, was my best buddy for walking (although, the last year he could only make if for 20 minutes or so), loved walking to Lakeside Swirl Ice Cream Shop in the park (where he was known by name) for a doggy cone, and best friends with our other pup, Betsy, a BC mix.
He is now playing pain free, has his balance back, has all moving things properly herded, and is waiting for our reunion.
"I miss him and his wonderful smile....."