Raven, now Lainey |
Gender: Female
Age: Puppy
Foster Home: Peggy
| |
Update: Raven was adopted in March, 2005 and is now known as Lainey. Here she is with her siblings, waiting to go outside and play ball!

This is Lainey. I just wanted to thank you for taking such
good care of me and even though I'll miss all of you a
whole bunch, I think I am going to like it up here. My new
house has a really big fenced in backyard and I can run and
run all over the place. I like to run and chase Biscuit but
sometimes he starts chasing me around. He moves around
pretty good for an old guy. Let me tell you what I have
been doing so far. Twenty three sleeps ago (Mommy and Daddy
tell me that is two days) when I left your house, I slept
the whole way home.
I guess you forgot to tell mom and dad that the ball you
let me bring with me has a really cool whistle in it. They
know that now. I played with that ball for a very very very
long time and then all of a sudden it disappeared. It was
just as well because it was time to go to sleep. Dad put me
in this big area and put a gate between me and everybody
else. I let them know exactly what I thought about that. I
am not used to being by myself and I was not happy. After
about 20 minutes of barking and jumping at the gate, daddy
came and got me. He knew I did not want to be alone, so he
slept on the floor with me the whole night. I thought that
was nice of him. He said it was going to be mommy's turn
the next night. Last night daddy and Biscuit slept on the
big bed while mom and I slept out by my bed. Oh, I forgot
to tell you about the big bed. They have doggie steps for
Biscuit to get up on the bed and I taught myself right away
how to climb them too. (Biscuit thought that would be his
"safe haven" from me. Guess I fooled him.) Anyway,
after a while, all of us were sleeping in the big bed. They
tell me that after I am "housetrained", whatever that
means, I will get to sleep in the big bed all night. That
will be fun. Mom and Dad say I'm doing really
Well, this note is too long already and I am sure that you
have a lot of other email to catch up on. I hope you had a
good time at the dog show this weekend. Tell everybody I
miss them and hope I get to see them again sometime,
Hugs and puppy kisses, Lainey Just thought I would send you a short note and let you know things are going great. Lainey is growing like a weed and has enough energy to power a small city. She has tremendous ball drive and loves the Frisbee. We are still trying to get her to bring them back to us so we can throw them again. She just basically plays "keep away" right now. Especially with the Frisbee. Lainey is about 95% housetrained. We keep her in the foyer during the day (4' X 12' area) and she has not had an accident in over two weeks. We still have an occasional accident when she gets too excited. She has her run of the house at night but never leaves our bed. She has even booted Biscuit to the floor. She is getting along great with Biscuit and Turbo (our cat), although Biscuit just had surgery on his leg yesterday so she does not have a playmate right now for a few weeks. I am attempting to send a picture along with this note so let me know if you get it or not. This is Lainey with one of her favorite toys. I will send more picutres soon, but I just wanted to let you know things are going great and we are grateful for the addition to our family.