Moira |
Gender: Female
Age: 1-2 years
Foster Home: Laura and Todd
Update: Moira was adopted in May, 2005. We received the following update the next month: "Moira is doing fantastic. She has adjusted wonderfully and everybody loves her. We keep hearing the comment, "Why would somebody have gotten rid of a dog like this?" We don't care why because she's ours now. She is doing just fine with the cat. While they aren't the best of friends, they more than tolerate each other. Moira just wants to play with her and does her "puppy jumping" around the cat with her tail wagging. After a short while, the cat will swat at her and Moira will jump back 5 or 6 feet and it's over. They've made great strides. Janice took her in for her wellness visit to the vet last week and she got a clean bill of health. The vet loved her and said we definitely have a keeper."