Dolly |
Gender: Female
Age: Puppy
Foster Home: Peggy
Update: Dolly was adopted in April, 2005. We received the following note in September, 2005: "Enclosed are two photos of Dolly at seven months. She is a really good looking dog. People cross the street to pet her, which suits her just fine."

Foster Write-Up: Dolly came to us with two of her siblings (Addie and Yoshi), from a home where an unspayed female was allowed to run loose with the inevitable consequences. The other five puppies had already been placed via Craigslist. The mother dog was alleged to be a purebred Border Collie, but based on the brief glimpse I got of her, she looked more Rough Collie to me. The father of the litter is unknown. The trio became known as "The Brown Puppies," and all quickly found wonderful homes.
 The Brown Pups (that's Dolly in the back)
