Caper, now Toby |
Gender: Male
Age: 1 Year
Foster Home: Kathy W.
Update: Caper was adopted in July, 2005 and is now known as Toby. He joined GLBCR alum Indy in his new home. We received the following updates later that month: "The boys are doing great...They have been playing most of the day. Jenny, my younger daughter stayed with the guys today (for the last day at the Mart). She is animal savvy. Her husband had to work overtime this morning so I told her she could bring Jordan with caution because Caper had been so easy going. He was great with Jordan, so much so that she had a fit because she had to go to the sitters. Caper had been lifting his leg and watches everything that Indy does. Right now they are running up and down the hall chasing each other having a grand time. They have just started wresting and very nicely I might add. Indy seems to regard Caper as his younger buddy and waits for him to figure out what is going on.
"Caper slept all night without a sound. He has been for several walks and a very smart little guy. He is starting to learn how to heel.
So to recap the last 24 hours: The guys road very nicely home The went for a nice walk and did their business. No accidents so far. Slept through the night Gets along great with kids supervised Caper just did the snapping turtle with Indy and Indy turned his head and got a ball as a distraction (don't you just love animals, they seem to know what to do to train behavior with the young animals. ) I think they are going to be great friends and buddies.. I'm sure they will have some issues along the way but they have had a great start.
Thank so much for letting Caper get some security and comfort before going to his forever home. He is a wonderful little dog.
 With foster mom Kathy, who named him Caper because he "stole her heart."

 Caper (left) with foster brother, Blair.
 Caper's adoption.