Brandi |
Gender: Female
Age: 1-2 Years
Foster Home: Mindy, Leonard
October, 2014: Well it's been 9 years this month since I adopted my Brandi from GLBCR. She has since gone pretty grey and is an awesome dog. She has helped 40+ foster dogs learn how to be a dog and adjust to the good side of the world. 
Update: Brandi was adopted in August, 2005. Her mom, now a GLBCR volunteer, writes: "Brandi was my entry into rescue and has taught me so much about this breed. Quirks and all, Brandi is well loved and very much a part of our family. In her former life her family lost their home. Groceries were split 3 ways, between her canine sister and her mom. Brandi to this day loves her food. Brandi has been a good mentor to all the foster dogs that have come through our home. She has taught some of them how to play, and others, to respect their elders. My children love her beyond belief, when they come home from college to visit they say hi to Brandi before me. She soaks up all the attention she can get and enjoys her relaxed life."