Bebe |
Gender: Female
Age: 4 Months
Foster Home: Peggy
Update: Bebe was adopted by her foster home in September, 2005. She was the "Puppy who Stayed," even if she didn't stay long enough.
 Bebe had a bit of a reputation, even before she arrived at her foster home.

 The picture that made her famous....
 Clearly, she had a mind of her own....

 X-pens and baby gates (stacked!) posed no challenge for her, and it took me a half dozen tries before I found a wire crate she couldn't jail break.
 Yet halfway through her first agility class, she decided it was "stupid" and she would have no part of it.

She was still technically a foster dog when we attended the 2005 GLBCR Rescue picnic. Despite that fact, I wouldn't let anyone put an "Adopt Me" bandana on her, and I did my level best to convince all prospective adopters that she really wasn't a good match. We had a four hour drive home from the picnic, and by the time I checked my email, one of the other volunteers had filled out my adoption application for me. Bebe was my dog.
 I'd known that from the moment I met her in the McDonald's parking lot in Lansing, back in April.
 She fit in well with my pack....
 Never did manage to interest her in agility...
 Miss you, Monk....