Bauble, now Aurora |
Gender: Female
Age: 4 Months
Foster Home:
Update: Bauble was adopted in February, 2005 by her foster family, and is now known as Aurora. She sent us the following update in April, 2005: "Hi All, I just wanted to let everyone know I am doing sooo good in my new home. I started Puppy Kindergarten last week. I am the only Border Collie in my class! Most of my puppy friends don't even know I am deaf, I watch Mom all the time when we are heeling. I have grown to about 30lbs, but am still a little skinny they tell me I need to eat more. I have started to act like my big brother Athens and sometime Mom & Dad mistakenly call me Athens. They say I am a clone of his personality and looks only smaller? I went to Petco this weekend with Mom & Dad to watch them sell stuff and I was such a good little girl they tell me. I like all dogs and all humans, it helps to get those extra treats when your friendly! I had my picture taken while I was there too. Mom is having me learn how to send it to you all. OK, gotta go my paws are tired now and Mom want's the computer back. Love to all, Aurora."