Arrow, now Artaius |
Gender: Male
Age: Puppy
Foster Home: Sheila
From our Facebook page, June 2014: "This weekend Artaius (formerly Arrow from Yasmin's litter 8-16-05) earned his MACH 4 (Master Agility Champion x 4). He now has 7 championship titles to his name (4 in AKC and 3 in CPE) plus a bunch of additional titles. He is a joy to live with and makes me happy every day!"
From our Facebook page, December, 2013: "Artaius (on the left) sends Happy Howliday wishes to GLBCR and all of the amazing people who rescue & foster!!! Extra special thanks to Sheila for giving him a shot & life & helping to bring him into my life!!"
From our Facebook page, June, 2013: "Artaius and I just got back from CPE Nationals (agility) in Springfield, Ohio. We had a great time and he had a perfect weekend - qualifying in every run with no faults. He earned himself High in Trial Rescue dog and High in Trial Michigan team. He is an amazing dog and I am SO very lucky to have him in my life!! Sheila Fawcett - thank you for fostering Yasmin and her pups! I am so appreciative of you and the Great Lakes BC Rescue every day!!"
From our Facebook page, December, 2012: "Artaius - formerly Arrow from Yasmin's litter - is on the left and wants to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas! ("brother" DaVinci is on the right)
Update: Arrow was adopted in December, 2005, and is now known as Artaius. He and his handler are regulars at the agility trials in Michigan, and at the 2011 AKC National, they placed 39th out of 309 dogs in the 20” class with three clean runs! And just to prove that a rescue dog can do anything, here are some of Artaius' titles! AKC: MACH, OF (and over 1/2 way to MACH 2)
CPE: C-ATCH2, ChST, CPE Nat'ls 2008 High in Standard L. 4 - 20", CPE Nat'ls 2009 High Reserve in Standard L. 5 - 20" and 2nd Place in Games - 20"
General: CGC (Canine Good Citizen), TDI (Therapy Dog International)
