Ariel |
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Foster Home: Ann
Update: Ariel was adopted in August, 2005. GLBCR has received the following updates:03/01/2006 Ari is absolutely spoiled rotten! She is my shadow, follows me nearly everywhere. She thinks she's an itty bitty lap dog (at 35+ pounds) and insists on curling up in my lap after the boys are in bed and it's quiet. She just loves to snuggle! Much to Jeff's chagrin, Ari sleeps on our bed at night, but always waits for permission first. Her favorite thing to do is during the boys' bedtime. Jeff gives each of them a piggy back ride to bed and Ari goes tearing after them, chasing them around the kitchen island and down the hall to their rooms. She's so goofy!
Ari is an absolute sweetheart and we all adore her very much. She's always so happy and silly, and loves to play with the boys, even at their rowdiest. When our friends bring their dogs over to play, Ari has a field day and goes nuts with her doggy buddy, tearing through the house and the backyard, tumbling over each other, playing tug with her rope chew. She's very gentle, though, and doesn't play rough or aggressively. She's our princess and she knows it! Anybody who visits cannot resist lovin' on Ari, she has such a wonderful and inviting personality!
09/18/2005 The Vernons just spent 2 1/2 hours here, and left with Ari. Ari apparently knew it was the end of a journey b/c she hopped right into their van, and hopped right onto the back seat next to Michael. They are an awesome family, and Diane shows a real keen understanding of dogs. She gave Ari some scritching that put her in a daze (first photo). I'm really pleased with this placement.