Addie, now Kali |
Gender: Female
Age: Puppy
Foster Home: Peggy
Update: Addie was adopted in April, 2005, and is now known as Kali. We've received the following updates from her forever family. 06/09/2005 We renamed her "Kali" (after California and Kalispell, Montana...the two places we vacation the most) and she's one terrific puppy. Kids are her favorite thing. When I take her to my son's soccer practice, she's in heaven...200 running children!! Although, she was in heaven today when I took her for the first time to the dog park. She got to run around with some dogs and she's been sleeping all day:) Kali is one smart cookie. She's already house-trained and can sit, lie down, and shake hands. Another favorite thing she does is waking up whomever is NOT out of bed. She considers her duty. The boys have learned to shut their doors if they want to sleep in. I take her out in the morning and when she comes back inside she immediately runs upstairs to see who she can wake up. She can't imagine that anyone wouldn't be happy to see her first thing in the morning.
6/17/2005 Kali just adores kids of any kind. She loves to go to the dog park and "herd" the other dogs. She is very smart and learns quickly. She is hot-blooded and prefers the cold (hard) tile floor to the warm (soft) blanket we put out for her. She is very gentle & calm except for when she gets excited and tears around in circles like crazy -- what we call "wild thing." We hope her brother & sister are doing as well as she is. Thanks for sharing her with us.
Addie came to us with two of her siblings (Dolly and Yoshi), from a home where an unspayed female was allowed to run loose with the inevitable consequences. The other five puppies had already been placed via Craigslist. The mother dog was alleged to be a purebred Border Collie, but based on the brief glimpse I got of her, she looked more Rough Collie to me. The father of the litter is unknown. The trio became known as "The Brown Puppies," and all quickly found wonderful homes.

Addie, upon arriving at her foster home, where she immediatly earned the nickname "Groundhog Dog." 
The Brown Pups

Digging is hard work for a pup...

She had a HUGE crush on her Sam, one of the permanent residents at her foster home.
 With Simon, another GLBCR foster dog.