Veronica |
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Foster Home: Sheila
January, 2014: "Veronica was a very independent dog at first but is now my best girl and a tolerant elder to a very active younger BC. “Roni” goes where I go and considers our horse camper her personal vacation vehicle. Love her." 
Update: Veronica was adopted in 2004.

11/29/04 Roni is doing good. She hadn't urinated for a
couple days, so I took her to the vet. A $150 dollars
later, they said she is fine, no physical reason not to
urinate. Then she promptly came home and urinated and
pooped. Kids! She seems to be bonding to me. Pretty much is
ignoring my husband. I have never had a dog do that before,
but for the last 3 days I have been the person feeding and
walking, so it shouldn't be too surprising. She is getting
along with, a slightly green, Jobey too. She truly is a
12/7/04 Jobey is mellowing toward the interloper. He
never chews (except for when we first got him) but in the
week after Roni came he ripped a piece out of a chair skirt
and chewed a shoe string off my tennis shoe. Tonight he
actually tried to get Roni to play a little when we went
out for "final call". Roni is my dog apparently. She still
ignores my husband when he tries to talk to her, walk her,
anything. I have never had a dog so "one person". I am
still not walking her off leash. We tried one day and she
just started down the road without looking back. Grabbed
the car and found her just a short way down the road in
another yard. She acted thrilled to see me! So we drag a 25
ft horse lunge rope behind her on walks. Makes walking in
the woods a real experience! She does like rabbits and
squirrels, so I am still very wary to have her off lead.
Jobey has come so far and I think with time she will too,
even warming up to hubby.
12/15/04 Just wanted to let you know we are making
progress with Roni. She is still on the lead for walks,
though. We sometimes let her drag it but every time we
think she is OK to unleash she does something to make us
nervous. The Southern girl LOVES snow though! She would
stay out all day in it, which is one thing I think bothers
her. She thinks we don't spend enough time outside. It will
take time to convert her to liking being an "inside
2/28/05 Roni has definitely become a guard dog of the
house. If I am gone, she gets along great with my husband.
If I am at home, she acts like he is invisible. Ignores him
and won't come when called to go out for a potty break. I
think she would rather burst her bladder then leave her
guarding duty - at least she thinks it is her duty! She
still has a thing for squirrels. They must have had some
draw for her in a former time.
12/17/05 Veronica and Jobey just got their Christmas
baths and were upset with me - for about 5 minutes! A quick
romp in the snow and a crunchy bone made them feel the
world was wonderful again. Both dogs are doing well and
have adjusted great. Jobey has been taught to play like a
dog by Veronica and now often takes the lead in a game of
tag. She loves it when he hits her hard enough to bowl her
clean over. They both follow me around the house and help
me study at night making periodic checks to see I am still
at my desk. Roni has warmed up to my husband but still
snuffle barks if I am up or down stairs and he comes to
that level. Apparently, I am her primary responsibility and
she doesn't take it lightly. Jobey just loves us both and
soaks up all the attention he can get. Unfortunately
neither one has an ounce of herding instinct in their
bodies, but they are still great dogs.
Veronica's Foster Write-Up
Veronica was left in an overnight holding pen at an Animal Control facility. She was quite thin and pregnant. She had to be moved or euthanized, because newborn pups could not survive in the overcrowded shelter. Rescue groups were contacted, but no foster space was available. A GLBCR foster agreed to evaluate Veronica and could not leave without her. The only space available at the foster's home was a fenced pasture with a small horse barn. That's where Roni got settled, while phone calls were made trying to find an emergency foster, experienced in whelping pups. Upon returning to the barn, with food and bedding, Roni had already given birth to her first pup! After midnight, Roni gave birth to her last pup. The pups were born on September 7, 2004. Veronica found her forever home with the couple who adopted another GLBCR alumni, Jobey.