Star, now Kylie |
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Foster Home: Mary
Update: Star was adopted in June, 2004 and is now known as Kylie. We received the following update from her new home: "We have taken her to Michigan with us several times this summer, and she has a great time up there. She learned to swim quickly, and even though I don't think she is that crazy about it, she will swim pretty far to get her precious tennis ball. There are a couple of dogs that live next door up there, a chocolate Lab and a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. She is learning to play with them, but she plays selfishly. You need to have at least 2 balls--one to throw for the dogs, and one for her to keep in her mouth at all times. She runs out to chase the ball with the other 2, but she can never get it because she won't let go of the one she has in her mouth."