Simmy, now Trip |
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Foster Home:
From our Facebook page, August, 2012: "Photo of Trip (formerly Simmy - adopted from GLBCR in 2004) showing off the hard life he leads, on vacation with us in Tawas, Michigan. Thanks for all you do, Great Lakes Border Collie Rescue!" 

"A wet, happy dog!"
Update: Simmy was adopted in March, 2004 and is now known as Trip. We received the following update from his new family: "Trip is doing very well! He hasn't had a single chewing incident since he arrived (of course I've probably jinxed myself now --- and he's surrounded by his 'chewies.') He came to the GLBCR garage sale helped me pick out more stuff to fill my already cluttered house! Oh, well. Trip's doing better all the time with the horses and has learned to leave the cat alone, although the cat isn't always very nice to him. He LOVES to go for car rides; hangs his head out the back window like a real big dog. On a sad note, we had Tina put to sleep last week, as she had continued to lose weight; the sparkle was going from her eyes. It was good for us to have Trip's shoulder to cry on, but we really miss her. This weekend I'm going to Seattle to visit my sister with my mom, aunt, and Joe, 'the boys', Trip and Urak, will be watching the farm. I hope it's still standing when I get back! Joe says it's pig ears and pizza for everyone. p.s. Trip sends a cuddle."