Sammy, now Ona |
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Foster Home:
Update: Sammy was adopted in January,2004 and is now known as Ona. We received the following update from her new family in December, 2006: "We adopted Sammy (now Ona) in January of 2004. She was listed on your other available BC page. The tale of how we all came together is mysterious to us to this day. We had been looking for a BC because we had lost our Princess in November and needed someone to love. Every time we inquired about a BC that was listed we were a day late it seemed. Then on a Friday evening we got a call from someone that I still don't know her name who said we needed to meet this special girl right away. We were actually scheduled to meet another dog the next morning from another rescue group about 60 miles in the opposite direction. Well if someone is calling out of the blue saying we need to go maybe it is meant to be. We can't take the chance of missing our possible new girl. Even though she was totally uninterested in us we saw how BC focused she was on her current caregiver. That was enough if she could just redirect that devotion toward us.
Boy, was she raw! It was like we were speaking English to a foreign dog. Ona didn't know any commands, was not housebroken, didn't walk on leash, wouldn't eat kibble, she was a 3 1/2 year + puppy basically and only wanted to have my husband near her. Did I mention that she was TERRIFIED of people? Loud booming barking if anyone tried to come over, guests stayed maybe 5 minutes and had to leave and riding the elevator to go outside was a nightmare. She didn't know what a toy or chewbone was and looked at me like I was nuts when I tried to get her to play.
We signed up for obedience training before the sun had set on the third day! We are not only dog lovers but dogs are literally our lives 24/7, we walk dogs. So, we knew that this could work out with lots of love and consistency. Over 2 1/2 years later, our Ona Bologna is Mary Poppins, practically perfect in everyway. I wouldn't trade one 45 pound bladder relieved on the bed for my girl. Ona graduated from Basic Obedience and Super Basic, star pupil, of course! Maybe, I'm just a proud mom.
I don't know who the angel was that put us together, but whoever you are... Thank You.