Rossi, now Felix |
Gender: Male
Age: Puppy
Foster Home: Sheila
Update: Rossi was adopted in November, 2004 and is now known as Felix. He sent us the following update in December, 2005: "Hi. It is me, Rossi. My humans now call me Felix and a whole bunch of other terms of endearment (e.g. woofie, felicitas, mcweelix, etc). My full name is Felix Arturo Gertrude Rothschick (don't ask, it is a long story!). I am thriving here in Central Illinois. My humans adore me and we are well matched and make a wonderful family. Still I miss you and my sibling pups. How are they doing?
I just got back from my morning walk. It was wild out there....25 mph winds, snow, and sleet and I enjoyed every minute of it! I ran through the farmer's field and had a great time jumping through deep snow drifts in the ditches. It helped me get some of my ya-yas out. If I don't get my hour long runs in the morning and evening, I can be quite mischevious. Fortunately my humans are very committed to me and take good care to exercise me religiously.
I just recently celebrated my first year anniversary with my humans. None of us understand where the time went but we had a lot of fun. It was time for my annual check up as well. My vet says I am doing great. I am lean and trim from all the running I do but I weigh 69 lbs! My humans tell me I am supposed to be around 50 lbs, but then, I am an over-achiever.
I love to play ball! I will chase a tennis ball all day long if I can find someone to keep throwing it. I also love to go running with one of my humans. I especially like running up and down the hill when my humans go sledding. They take me with them a lot which I really appreciate. I go to work with my male human sometimes and even recently joined them at a B&B for a weekend. We did a lot of hiking that trip. I am always up for physical activity! We went camping in Wisconsin this past summer and I got to spend an entire week chasing a stick into Lake Michigan. That was great but I was tired at the end of those days!
04/17/2006 Felix was bathed and groomed today, so he is looking particularly handsome....all 75 lbs. of him! He is trim, but very tall and solid. He remains a joy.