Polly |
Gender: Female
Foster Home:
Update: Polly was adopted in March, 2004. We've received the following update from her new home: "Polly is a delight! She has us trained, to be sure, and we don't mind it a bit! She's walking about 6 miles a day with us - 3 miles in the early a.m. with me and the rest in shorter walks throughout the day. We're trying to train her to "come" so that we feel comfortable having her off-leash in the woods with us.
Polly is wonderful with our grandkids. They lie on her and she just wags her tail. Any human contact is fine with her, it seems, and the more the better! She's not overly excited about meeting other dogs, but when a person comes close she puts on the act - sit, paw up - pet me! She always gets her way! Chuck says the folks at the P.O. love her! (She's nudging my elbow as I type this letter!) Oh - Polly tolerates all birds except the Red-wing Blackbirds. When she sees them she takes off, (on her expandable leash) barking and talking. Of course, they chatter right back at her. It's hilarious to see! Her energy is endless. It's difficult to believe that she's 13-years-old!
We feel so fortunate to have found her to adopt. I can't imagine a better fit with any other dog than Polly. We love her to pieces!! Because she's so calm and good-natured, I want to look into taking her to senior centers to visit. That's on my list for this summer when I'm out of school!
We truly appreciate every effort that was made on our behalf to connect with Polly. I've told several people about the Border Collie Rescue service, and think that the job you do is terrific! Thanks to all who made Polly our pet!