Mia |
Gender: Female
Foster Home:
Update: Mia was adopted in January, 2004. We received the following update from her new family: "She's been playing fetch with the ball a bit. She actually brought it over earlier when Pat told her to "go get the ball!" Sometimes she'll bring it to us to throw, other times she'll just lay down with it and chew on it. :) Pat's been "Marti proofing" the basement most of the day. :) I'm sure the kitty will be a LOT happier when her food and litter box will be readily available to her without worrying about Mia getting into them. :) Well, that's it for now. I should probably go check up on them since I hear them bolting around the house out there. I think they'll both sleep REALLY well tonight. :) Have a good one and talk to you later!"