Gender: Female
Age: Senior
Foster Home:
Update: Katy was adopted in 2004. We received the following update from her new family: "Just wanted to let you know that everything is going just wonderful. Her incision is feeling fine, with the anti-botic, and the cream. Katy goes back to the vet on Tuesday, to get the stitches out, and then I am going to have him do some blood tests to make sure everything is right with her. She is doing quite well here, she seems to be getting more active more and more every day. I took her for a walk today on the leash, and I was quite impressed with her manners. We take her every where we go in the car and she loves to ride. I do believe that she is beginning to know my work schedule, because around 3 o'clock she starts getting a little nervous. She is sitting right here next to me while I am e-mailing you, she sure seems to be pretty content."