Jessie, now Jessie Joy
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Foster Home: Leonard
Update: Jessie was adopted in July, 2004 and is now known as Jessie Joy. We received the following update in February, 2006: Jessie- now Jessie Joy- came to me from Leonard, who put a lot of time, thought, and heart into her foster care. She was a sensitive, sweet, smart and energetic dog with some shyness and fear issues (men, joggers, bikes). She has blossomed into the most amazing dog, and entirely changed our lives in the process! Jessie Joy's achievements read like an impressive resume.
In the eighteen months since Jessie Joy came to live with us, she has done spectacularly well at obedience training- taken beginning, intermediate, and advanced Family Dog training, passed her Canine Good Citizen, and is now finishing the first class in the sequence for competition obedience work. We are already enrolled in the second competition level class, which starts late March 2006.
Jessie has also taken agility courses (we now have our own home made set up for the yard and indoor playroom), and tried fly-ball (I am trying to get over the noise factor...). Jessie Joy has helped me for two seasons to do children's art and reading programs at a local Farmer's Market, which she loves very much. She is kind to children, and she also loves visiting all the vendors and being treated to their unusual veggies.
Jessie has a special appointment to be the goose chaser for the parks for the Town of Madison, WI. This is one of her favorite things to do, as she is an absolute bullet when she runs! She lowers herself, focuses, and goes like the wind- a sight of beauty and strength that I never tire of watching. She never injures the birds, and gets a thrill out of dashing back to me, just as fast as she took off.
Jessie's last and probably most important "job" besides being our beloved is her role as doggie foster Mom to eight other Border Collies since Thanksgiving 2005. The world opened to me in new ways with Jessie's adoption last July, and our family has become deeply involved in Border Collie Rescue. Many- but not all- of our rescue dogs have been sick, seriously abused, neglected, or had special needs. Jessie has been a gentle mother, teacher, friend, and role model for them all. She (and we) loved one of them so much- Louie is his name- that he has stayed as her baby brother. Our home has a lot of life, activity, and fur, but we would not change it for the world. We are everlastingly grateful to you- and especially Leonard- for bringing this fantastic dog into our lives and home.
 Jessie's shelter picture.